Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ari is going great! 4 month Developmental Follow up Appointment 9.4.13

He had his 4 month development follow up today and they said he is right on track. Social Skills A+++++! Motor skills right where they should be! He wants to do so much more than he can and that is a good sign. His brain is just a little ahead of what is body can do. I sware his brain says RUN AROUND THE BLOCK but his body says, uh no.

He had his cardiologist appt last week and everything is normal. No issues with his heart. His ROP on his eyes has resolved and he is such a smart, smiley beautiful baby boy.


  1. So great to see your update on your miracle baby!

  2. Awesome!!! You were and continue to be tenacious.....think he takes after mama <3
