Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Ari is going great! 4 month Developmental Follow up Appointment 9.4.13
He had his cardiologist appt last week and everything is normal. No issues with his heart. His ROP on his eyes has resolved and he is such a smart, smiley beautiful baby boy.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Right on Time 5.27.13
Ari was 41 weeks on May 1st so that is his new birthdate-- at least for the time being. So he is almost a month old and is tracking with his eyes. It is nice having a preemie as the 2nd gives me a sense of relief because I know what a normal full term baby does and I can see where Ari is at and he feels very much like a normal full term baby. Of course he is not and there are precautions being taken but I mean more developmentally. He is doing well and it feels good. He is a great breast feeder..has accomplished eating all day via breast and only 2 bottles to give him a tad extra calories and vitamins. He is gaining weight appropriately and is in newborn size clothing..some preemie pants still but mostly fitting into newborn clothes quite nicely. I have been a bit sad about Austin lately..wishing there was something more I could of done or just wish he had his little brother..I edited this photo to see what they would look like. I think it is a very special photo.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Ari out of preemie clothes 5.20.13
I put on a newborn size outfit and it fit so nicely. So happy. His eyes have improved significantly. It got a little scary there for a while.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Stage 3 ROP resolved 4.16.13
Eye doctor called today and said the stage 3 ROP has resolved on its own. No intervention needed and next eye appt in two weeks. Vessels look normal. So happy about this. Our little guy is getting quite the personality. He is rooting for milk just like a normal full term baby does and a very hungry boy. He is looking all around and a happy baby. Happy baby = happy life
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Huge Improvement 4.14.13
Friday, April 12, 2013
Hernias Repaired 4.12.13
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Ari is 6lbs 2oz 4.10.13
Growing, getting bigger.. Taking most of his feeds by bottle and breast. Has some nasal congestion and they suctioned him and there was some blood in his nose which is scary. The doctors said they would be willing to move up his hernia repairs to this Friday. He currently has a large hernia in his scrotum and a small one in his belly button. He has to go back on a vent for surgery which terrifies me. He is 38 weeks today and I am hopeful that we may possibly be able to get his o2 requirement down once he is more comfortable after the surgery. He is currently around 28% and on 1 liter. He has to be on .5 to go home on o2. I want to be with my baby so badly. It is the worst feeling being without him. I can't explain how amazing he is..he talks to me with his eyes and I can tell that he will be very smart. I wish others could be around to see what I is an incredible feeling. He is such a natural breast feeder. I feel so lucky in that way. I pumped this morning and got 7 ounces so I am thankful that my supply is going up. I discovered that RCH has a gym so I worked out for the first time and it felt great. My stomach gets a little soar at times but I feel that after 12 weeks since the c-section now is a good time to start my exercise routine. Hoping that it will help with my postpartum.. Definitely feeling more depressed than sad which is what I was feeling at the beginning when all this happened.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Boring is Good 4.2.13
1. Ari was able to get off lasiks (he was on this everyday and there are not so good side effects) see list here
2. Ari got off caffeine
3. Ari is breastfeeding with and without the nipple shield (has taken full feeds by breast)
4. Ari is bottlefeeding (has taken full feeds by bottle)
5. He no longer has the top to his isolette on
6. He is regulating his own temperature
7. He is 5 lbs 7 oz.
8. He is following a nice curve for height, head and weight (GREAT PROGRESS)
9. He has great muscle tone and eye contact
10. Some slight stage 2 and mild stage 3 ROP seems to be getting a little better
11. He has weaned down from 3 liters to .6 liters and 28% oxygen
12. I heard his cry for the very first time, it was loud and sounded great
13. Cues for food, very good eater
The main thing that is bothering him are his hernias, he seems to be in a lot of pain so I am anxious to get that surgery as I think he will be a totally different baby once he is healed and doesn't have the pain that it causes.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Autopsy results for Austin 3.29.13
I delivered 25+2 due to one of my boys heart rate dropping a day after emergency fetoscopic laser ablation surgery at UCSF in San Fran. I was told right before we delivered that Baby A had a grade 3 brain bleed and Baby B had early early heart failure. We decided to try to save them both if one babies hear rate started dropping. It was a wise decision. Mary Slaman-Forsythe helped me decide, THANK GOD FOR HER! Baby A, Austin did not make it, but Baby B, Ari did. I just received the autopsy for Austin, Baby A who did not make it. We had TTTS for 9 week weeks, diagnosed 16+2, At 25 weeks, the twins had reversed roles, the donor had become the recipient and vice versa. The autopsy revealed some interesting facts
1. Austin had a grade 2 brain bleed, most babies don't die from just a brain bleed
2. Austin only had 20% of the placenta and a Velamentous cord insertion
3. Austin most likely passed away from severe anemia and the side effects of not being able to handle the reversed TTTS
Please note, they reversed roles BEFORE laser ablation. I read that this happens in 5 out of 100 cases.
Baby B, Ari made it and he is 36+6 today and doing extremely well. The only surgery that he will have is a repair for a hernia in his scrotum and belly button.
Austin was perfectly formed, perfect in every way The pathologist called him a well nourished premature boy. He weighed 1.344 pounds and was 31% smaller than his brother Ari who was 1.79 lbs. I honestly did everything I could do to save both my babies and I am so sad we could not save Austin in time but I do feel that Ari would not have made it if he would of stayed in utero because he was always working hard as the recipient but when the TTTS reversed and he became the donor, his little body had just worked too hard and he could not handle it anymore so even though 25+2 is a hard hard road, in my heart it was the only road to get him here with us today.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Back from SF 3.11.13
Friday, March 8, 2013
Ari's new home 3.8.13
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Ari transferred to Randall Childrens NICU 3.6.13
Monday, March 4, 2013
Ari is 3 lbs 3.4.13
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Ari Back on Nasal Cannula 3.2.13
The rule is if you are sick you cannot stay at the RM house because there are a lot of children and people going to see their children so the minute anyone doesn't feel well, they are suppose to leave to not expose everyone at the house. We have followed this rule stringently as it is important to us that we do not get anyone sick and we would hope others do the same as our child's life is on the line.
The doctors switched Ari to the 27 kCal fortified feeds for weight gain but I have to tell you it terrifies me. There is always a worry about NEC in preemies and he has been doing so well with his feeds for many weeks now that I don't want anything to happen to him. The doctor's said they will watch him very very close and his belly is a bit distended but soft and no residual so nothing to worry about. Philip held Ari for the second time today but the first time on the nasal cannula. He did very well with Papa. I miss him so much when I cannot see Ari. It is a constant tug a war between each child. What is good for Luca (for me to see him) is not good for Ari (as Luca is at the age where he is always sick). It is a juggle that I wish I did not have to do.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Possible Transfer to Nicu in Portland?? 2.28.13
Ari is up to 26 ml's of BM. He is doing great. Had his second eye exam this week, had one last week and same results, that is eyes are still too immature to know anything. Tomorrow they are putting him back on the nasal Cannula, YES!. Ari's nurse, Donna, my favorite nurse, says she tells Ari every time she has him that she loves him and that he is a genius and beautiful and he is like "yeah yeah Don, I know" HA! He has such a personality and I love it!
Attached is a picture of my beautiful Luca. We are both very happy to be reunited!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Philip Holding Ari For First Time 2.26.13
Monday, February 25, 2013
Ari Back On CPAP 2.25.13
I have attached the view that our little Ari has from his bedside. It is pretty incredible. The one good thing about being far from home is the sunshine here. It makes healing physically and mentally a LOT easier.