Saturday, January 12, 2013

Meeting Ari for the First Time 1.12.13

Ari Cooper was born weighing at 1 lb 12 oz., 12.5 inches long with a miraculous apgar of 7. The day I met my him was such a special yet emotional day. I was not able to see him until the day after he was born due to my surgery. My father thankfully flew down to be there for Philip and I and helped us figure out a bunch of things. We were both a mess and we were not really functioning very well. My dad encouraged me to ask the nurse if I could hold his hand. They did not think he could handle much touching so I was terrified but I did it and he squeezed my finger. It was our very first bonding moment where he held mama's hand. He was very red due to high red blood cells from getting too much blood in the womb from the TTTS. He was always the recipient twin until the end when they switched and he then became the donor twin.

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